Something's Wrong. No One's Complaining

Three days out from the World Cup and not one team has whinged about anything associated with the World Cup.

It can only be concluded that:
  • All team beds are of suitable length and firmness.
  • Balls are inflated correctly and are of a standard weight. They fly straight and true when intended and curve appropirately when known kicking methods are applied.
  • Referees have indicated to team management that they will apply the advantage rule appropriately and be fair in their ruck and maul interpretations.
  • Television schedules have been designed to suit all the viewing habits of all the followers of all the participating nations.
  • The right balance has been struck between free-to-air, satellite, cable and on-line viewng of matches both live, delayed and replayed.
  • Tickets to matches have arrived on time and every single one is as ordered.
  • Ticket prices are deemed appropriate with a range to suit any budget.
  • The IRB has acted in the best interests of everybody.
  • David Campese is happy.
  • All food in New Zealand has been checked for freshness, quality and taste and no player or spectator has been afflicted by food poisoning.
  • Al teams are happy with their playing schedule and can comfortably accommodate the turn-around between games.
  • Beer prices are OK.
With such a quiet week leading up to the World Cup either there is a conspiracy between journalists or things really are going that smoothly. The Rolling Maul just hopes it goes pear-shaped from here, for otherwise there'll be nothing to blog about!


Nursedude said…
I am currently on holiday in Australia, on my way to NZ for 3 games at RWC 2011. I love OZ, but am shocked at how little RWC there is on WIN Network. Only 3 games from the weekend, and only the Wallaby-Italy game shown live. I would have expected more coverage here in the home of Eales, Gregan and Campese...